Much as Brainiac offered a behind-the-scenes look at the little-known demimonde of competitive trivia buffs, Maphead finally gives equal time to that other downtrodden underclass: America's map nerds. Urn:oclc:804636584 Republisher_date 20121126082853 Republisher_operator Scandate 20121126033222 Scanner . Maphead: Charting the Wide, Weird World of Geography Wonks is Ken's followup to his 2005 best-seller Brainiac. Urn:lcp:mapheadchartingw00jenn:epub:2929430b-cef1-41d8-95aa-db3e95e11a67 Extramarc University of Alberta Libraries Foldoutcount 0 Identifier mapheadchartingw00jenn Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t3dz1jc0x Isbn 9781439167175ġ439167176 Lccn 2010052219 Ocr_converted abbyy-to-hocr 1.1.20 Ocr_module_version 0.0.17 Openlibrary OL25156005M Openlibrary_edition Urn:lcp:mapheadchartingw00jenn:lcpdf:fc4f0fe7-ea6c-45c2-b810-8e1b35f7205b It comes as no surprise that, as a kid, Jeopardy legend Ken Jennings slept with a bulky Hammond world atlas by his pillow every night. But the river has kept on reversing in the meantime, and last November, the water festival made its long-awaited return to the streets of the capital.Įxplore the world's oddities every week with Ken Jennings, and check out his book Maphead for more geography trivia.Access-restricted-item true Addeddate 20:48:30 Bookplateleaf 0004 Boxid IA061917 Camera Canon EOS 5D Mark II City New York Donorīostonpubliclibrary Edition 1st Scribner hardcover ed. For the past few years, the festival was cancelled in Phnom Penh, due to a fatal 2010 crowd stampede. The country essentially shuts down as millions celebrate with boat races and concerts. The biggest holiday of the year in Cambodia is Bon Om Tuk, the three-day "Water Festival," which marks the reversal of the river at the end of the rainy season. It's a nationwide party when the river reverses. It's the world's largest freshwater fish, but its numbers are shrinking. The fish swept upstream keep many rural Cambodians fed-though more protection may be needed for the Mekong catfish, a giant bottom feeder that can weigh up to 648 pounds. Map geek and celebrated Jeopardy winner Jennings ( Ken Jenningss Trivia Almanac: 8,888 Questions in 365 Days, 2008, etc.) tells the engaging story of maps and the people who love them. With the flooding comes a whole ecosystem of birds and marine life that changes the river completely. After I read and reviewed Plotted: A Literary Atlas, I ordered several books related to cartography from the library. During those summer months, the river flows north into Tonle Sap Lake, which briefly becomes the largest freshwater lake in Southeast Asia. Ken Jennings was an anonymous Salt Lake City software engineer in 2004 when he unexpectedly became a TV celebrity after his record-breaking seventy-four-game, 2.